Thursday, July 26, 2012

Money time

something awesome happened!
the Hubby and i had a very important talk!! what kind of talk a money talk! we both have agreed that we both want to own our own home. But our credit is well in one word TERRIBLE. So we are going to start getting out of debt and building a what drum roll please...... A SAVINGS ACCOUNT!!! now we have a savings account and there was some money in it but well something came up and my car needed new breaks so there went that.

our first step was look for where all of our money was going... and the truth is we eat out a lot. i like cooking for my family but recently i haven't had the time. so take out it has been. so now on the other side of this money talk and also come to the lets talk about getting healthier, but that is another post!  we sat down and we talked about were we planned to be financially within the next couple of years.

since my husband doesn't really like dealing with money he always tends to let me deal with it so i came up with a plan a very detailed budget of were EVERY dime was to be spent. then it hit me! school starts soon and emily needs some new clothes and of course school supplies and then we have christmas. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! so we had to kinda adjust some things so that we can have a GREAT Christmas.

We got all of our bills together and made out budgets for all of the bills that could be variable.  i also was able to gather all of the account numbers with login and passwords. i have even put into my extremely detailed calendar times to come back a revisit the budget and savings plan. and to adjust when necessary.

ahhh so excited!!! lots of great things to come! plus a great big savings account

Friday, July 13, 2012


I have been so busy getting everything together for my summer class! I have been cancelled and dropped several times. But finally I am in the class an my first text is Monday! Yay! :/ but i have mad lots of changes to my schedule in order to go to school. Erick and the girls have been a fabulous help. I think he now has a new found appreciation for all that i do.

Emily is doing an awesome job helping out. She is an amazing big sister. We are working together to make a chore chart. And daily routine for herself. She also wants to start helping me with dinner and crafty things. I accidentally created a mini(for now) me!
<3 Elizabeth

Monday, June 18, 2012


I can't believe I haven't posted in like two weeks I apologize. We recently got a new puppy an it has been crazy!!! Let me catch you up on some of the thugs that's been happening!! We got a new puppy and she has fleas poor thing!!! So we have has to treat her and belle just as a precaution. This puppy is 12 weeks but of course is just a baby!! She hates her collar and she loves to play in the mud! She constantly gets in the water bowl and makes a swimming pool out of it! Leaving my big baby well with out water! She doesn't want to eat the puppy food we bought her. She only wants Belles food and Belle can't eat puppy food because she well isn't a puppy obviously. So my whole week has been revolved around dogs!

This weekend was of course fathers day! Erick got a new rail system for his AR which he is excited about! Now everything fits in it perfectly! So he is pretty happy I should think!

So now this week should go back to normal hopefully!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer Daily Do's

Ahh summer! what a beautiful time of year... unless you are a kid with nothing to do. Emily my oldest daughter is 6 years old. She will be attending 1st grade in the fall :( not that I am not excited for her progress I just hate that my baby is growing up. But to keep up the great work she had at school, we are setting up a daily work schedule while she is at home and I am work. I don't like my kids watching so much tv. Who doesn't right!! But what do you do with them when your not at home?

I got Emily started her on a daily do! what is a daily do??

she has to some School type activities and some fun type obviously. School type - read one book, one journal entry, 2 math worksheets and one english worksheet. Fun type - one movie or one art project and one coloring page.

Where do I get these worksheets? Well to be honest a variety of sources. To name a few..

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hi :D

Well hello!
A little bit about myself.. I am first a woman! Next a mom to two beautiful and intelligent girls and wife to an amazing husband. My family is my world and they complete me. I work and go to school full time. My girls are silly and girly and dance and sing and talk a lot! They love to climb on me and just follow what I do. Hence the monkey part.

So this blog is my voice! This is how I keep my family happy and my sanity! I will go over everything on how to's, cooking, and crafts. Organization and decorating. Pretty much how to have a a happy household. Hope you enjoy!!